What is Blogging?

So, I’m doing it. I’ve started a blog.

Well, again. I have had blogs before: One that my friends and I used as a way to keep in touch in our mid 20s; one that was mostly Ron and Hermione fanfic, which was, and shall remain, unpublished; and one that was about my teaching experiences, and you better believe I’ll be recycling some posts.

But for now, I’m just starting with all my New and Exciting developments!

For example, did you know I started a Podcast?! Finally! I am an avid comedy podcast listener, and have been for years, so it’s about time I started my own.

And it’s OBVIOUSLY a kids podcast - in each episode, I interview a different kid, we make up stories and songs, we play games, and I do some other creative feature. Find it here!

I also wrote an e-book! It’s called The Benefits of Playing Pretend (With Kids), it’s free, and it’s available here!

Lately, I’ve been very active on Instagram, giving creative prompts, sharing my experiences, and giving creative advice. I’ve also been known to have a dance party with my adorable toddler in the stories, so I highly recommend.

Those are my newest major projects and, of course, I can’t wait to start teaching again! There are tons of new classes available here.

There’s also something top secret and super creative in the works. I just have to figure out a whole slew of tech issues to make it happen, so…any day now! Stay tuned.

xo Claio

Remembering In-Person Classes